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If you haven't already—read theWelcome Message to this blog.

Jim and Sandy Crabb invited their many friends from the Camelot years to join them in a reunion potluck picnic at their place in Central, Alaska, on Saturday afternoon, July 22. It promised to be—and was—an authentic Alaska event etching the memories of those who came.

Alaskans and tourists, sourdoughs and chechakos gather.

Jim and Sandy make ready and help serve their guests

Gus Lindquist, an unabashed perptual tourist, gets special service on an Alaskan hot dog.

Good friends together again in Central, Alaska, a very special place.

Bill Kingston, another frequent visitor to Central during the Camelot years, drove up with his friend, Elizabeth Miller.

Gus rode with Bill and Elizabeth. Here they are having lunch in the Steese Roadhouse in Central.

The drive up the Steese Highway on Saturday and back on Sunday took the trio through mountains painted with fireweed in the aftermath of a forest fire.

The Steese Roadhouse, on the right, is the center of the community, on the Steese Highway, taking up the northeast corner of its intersection with the road to Circle Hot Springs. It was named Crabb's Corner during the Camelot years. On the left, Jim and Sandy meet their friends in the Roadhouse Saturday evening.

Circle Hot Springs is closed, and has been for a few years, having a major—some say catastrophic—impact on the economy of Central. Note added August 26, 2009: Jim Crabb is developing Nugget Gulch at the Circle Hot Springs, reviving one of the major amenities of Interior Alaska.

This was Jim and Sandy's log cabin home in Central before they moved to Nugget Gulch. It's also on the Steese Highway, on the other side of the road to Circle Hot Springs from the Steese Roadhouse ... which was called Crabb's Corner during
the Camelot years.
Photos by Hilding "Gus" Lindquist
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